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EDR-117 SunVis installation on Rick Tressler's Cermark F-16 Propjet
Click here for Video
The lamps are very nice and bright!
Thanks for great products. Keep up the good work up there in Livonia!
Rick Tressler Columbus, Ohio
Click here for Rick's build log

Guillermo Ibanez' GREAT-LOOKING 1/8-scale Skymaster F-16.
These pictures were taken in BRIGHT
sunlight!! (Click on pics for larger image to see full effect!)

This is the first Skymaster F-16 1/8-scale Radio-Controlled turbine Jet in Barranquilla,Colombia, at Halcones Club Airfield.
The pictures were taken at 6 p.m. after flight No. 16 since
February 9 when it was my maiden flight.
The model has these EDR 117 Sun Vis lights:
- Four bulbs for landing lights controlled via a transmitter switch and mixed with
retracts to switch on and off with retracts extension and retraction.
- Navigation lights are one red and one green on the turbine
duct sides, two reds and two green on each missile pylons on the wing tips one
white on tail, one red strobe on top of fin and two landing light bulbs with
the light beam directed to the tail logo.
Guillermo Ibanez
Barranquilla, Colombia

I just finished the installation of your super bright lights on my Jet Legend F/A-22 Raptor and wanted to tell you they look great.
Click here for Video
Christopher Zonio
Owego, NY

Anders Hauge's superb H9 Cessna 182 with ElectroDynamics' SunVis Lights.
Thanks for all your help!
Anders Hauge
More from our friend Anders...

Take a look at the video!
"Hi there again!
My Cessna has now had it first ten flights, and
I have put together a video.
Some of the footage are made at the afternoon
with the ED lighting system VERY visible!
The afternoon flight was done at
Norway's largest spring gathering and A LOT was interested in my light system.
I'm VERY pleased with the ED SunVis lighting system! It's even visible
on a high light day on the snow, even when we had to wear sunglasses to be able
to fly!!!"

I also use Andy's light systems on
all of my jets, they are not plain LED's, they are much brighter on lower voltage.

And... at Kentucky Jets 2007...
Bryce Watson
Ft. Lauderdale, NJ

Here are the photo's of the Dauphin heli with the lights
Paul Giles
Harrison Twp, MI

I just got the EDR-117 RCNS lite system for my Don Smith B17. I could not
believe how brite the lamps are! The landing light is so bright that you see
dots after looking at it! I tried it out at my field in a test setup and the
landing light was very visible from 300' away in the bright sunlight of the
Sonoran Southwestern Desert region around Tucson, AZ.
I am very pleased and have let everyone know. The people that see it, ask tons
of questions as they have never seen anything like it before. Even brighter than
those super bright LED flashlights you see for sale everywhere!
Rick Horn
Tucson, AZ

Your lights are just fantastic and so easy to install that I will put them on
every of my planes.
I need to purchase one more landing light to the initial order.
Guy Peemans

Hello, I just bought some from this company,
they are better than anything else out there. I turned them on
yesterday outside and you can see them. Trust me, buy one and try
it, you will throw all of your other lights away, I did.
Tim Wade
Battle Creek, MI

I wanted to drop you a short note and let you know that the
strobe light install is finished. Yesterday afternoon in the bright sun, I
took it outside and could easily see the light from a hundred feet.
Mike Lesher
Lebanon, PA

Excerpt from Experimental
Aircraft Models' RV6 ARF Glow Review by David
Hogue. Used by
permission of RCGroups.com
I got in contact with ElectroDynamics
about their Day-Visible lighting kits, and they agreed to provide a
setup for me to try in the RV-6. They came in a short time, and I got
my first look at the set, which seemed to be well made, with good
instructions. I looked online at some pictures of RV-6's, and made a
plan for how I wanted to arrange the lights. Not all RV's are equipped
the same way, as this is a homebuilt aircraft, and things like the
lights are up to the individual builder.
I chose to go with the wingtip landing/nav light setup, as I liked the
look and there were good pictures of them on the Vans site, under their
parts area.
Assembling my wing lighting:
- I carefully marked and cut the front part of the fiberglass
wingtips off, saving the cutoff parts for lens molds to be made later.
- I framed in the light bays,
- I found some old AA maglight reflectors to use for the landing
- I made a small balsa mold to form some clear plastic over to
the teardrop shaped nav light covers.
- I made holes into the foam wing with a piece of music wire
on the end for wire runs to the servo bays,
- I covered the balsa bay parts with white covering,
- Finally, I assembled the parts to the wing.
Testing the lights, they looked great inside my house, and the flap
channel turned the landing lights on and off. I was tickled with this,
and played with it for a few minutes until my wife decided I needed to
move on to some other form of entertainment!
So, then I turned my attention to the strobe that was to go in the
tail. I drilled a hole through the top of the vertical stab, and routed
the wiring through the fin and glued the strobe in place in the tip. It
was then puttied and blended into the fin, and painted white. Overall,
the effect was very realistic, and they were visible in broad daylight,
the system worked flawlessly! I was very impressed.